
Once I was asleep

Ignorant of my slumber

Once I was asleep

Unable to remember

My eyes were opened by a dreadful dive

Now I know how good it is to be alive



Oil on Canvas

Burning Desire to Create – Part Two

I’m undergoing a burning desire to create. Therefore, I’ve decided to loosen up and broadened the theme and subject matter of my blog.

The truth is I have a burning desire in my heart to create period, and it’s not limited to writing my soul book.

I want to be able to write about my other creative passions, have a forum where I can take notice of the creative world I live in, and a place to write where I can inspire others to join me and do the same.

After x number of years, I’ve finally decided to be true to myself and live my life’s purpose. Since then, I’ve found the Garden of Eden and that’s where I now live, work and play.

I am exploring the creative world 24/seven, where amazing things are happening as a result, and I’m burning to share what I’m learning.

In the early morning I lovingly tend to my garden, even the weeds. I then slowly mosey over to my studio where I paint till lunch. In the afternoons I write, play my keyboard and explore the creative world through meditation. Yes, I’m blessed.

In addition, I’m feeling the need/desire to write more often and I don’t want to be restricted to a narrow format. I want to talk to you and share with you what’s in my heart.

I believe we all have this creative ability. We all have a voice inside of us that wants to express itself. I believe this is how our souls communicate with us and the world.

Creativity also opens our hearts, and when our hearts are open not even the sky is the limit.

It is my hope that you will find here inspiration:

Inspiration to express yourself;

Inspiration to find what you’re looking for; and

Inspiration to live your life’s purpose.

After all, we are hands held in unison, burning with the desire to create.

Your Soul Sister,

The Awakening

The Awakening,
by Lorlinda

The Awakening, By Lorlinda
Sold to Private Collector

Mandatory Soul Sister Meeting Agenda: We All Can’t Be Snow White


The story for my book was feeling tired and irrelevant, causing any writing to feel like a chore. I began to fear that I would lose interest in this writing project even though my love for it hadn’t waivered. I was feeling desperate. So I called a mandatory Soul Sister meeting to get some inspiration and hopefully not only breathe but resuscitate a plot – any plot.

Official Minutes of
Mandatory Soul Sister Meeting

Present: Amber, Heather, Jasmine, Lisa and Lorlinda.

Lorlinda opened the meeting: “Sisters I have gathered you here today because I need your help. You see, even though all of you are incredibly talented and interesting, the story has gotten boring. It’s dry. You’re holding back on me. . .”

Heather interrupted: “Boring? Holding back? I let you write about the SWAT team that came to my house.”

Lorlinda countered: “Yeah, but that was the result of wrong information, and you ended up offering them bottled water. I’m sorry Heather, that’s not a story; it’s a side note. Now listen up everyone, I understand each of you are worried about your image but we’ve got a book to write. We all can’t be Snow White; at least not all the time. We need a little witchiness, if that’s a word. Otherwise, there’s no drama. No drama, no story. As an actress Amber, you understand this; don’t you?”

Amber replied: “I only understand that an actor can’t be too careful about the role she plays. Otherwise, she’ll never get the part of Snow White.”

Lorlinda continued: “Okay. Let’s try this another way. At the beginning of this project Lisa was good enough to give me cart blanche with her character.”

Lisa admitted: “Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to take me up on it.”

Jasmine interjected: “I have a question. In the scene where my band is playing at the garden party, did somebody really call me a one hit wonder or are you making that up?”

Lorlinda complained: “See, this is exactly what I mean. We can’t be so sensitive. It’s fiction, everybody. Now, I’m going to ask each of you to be more interesting. You’re entertainers – entertain me.”

Heather proclaimed: “You want entertainment? We can give you entertainment.”

Jasmine confessed: “We were holding back because it was you we didn’t want to embarrass.”

Amber declared: “Prepare to have your mind blown.”

Lisa snickered: “The question is can you handle it?”

Lorlinda praised: “That’s my Soul Sisters. Now go out there and blow my mind.”

Motion to Blow Lorlinda’s Mind was unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned in time for Happy Hour.


Soul Sisters – Coming Out of My Cave

It’s January 30th, 2014 and I just finished the fourth chapter of my book, Soul Sisters. The completion of this chapter is a landmark for me.  It marks two events.  The first milestone is I’m at the approximate halfway point in my book.  The second and much larger milepost marks me coming out of my cave and my commitment to telling this story.

 I’ve been in a cave since I started this project back in August.  The cave is a metaphor for my reluctance to share or discuss my book idea even with friends, despite their gentle and good intention nudging.   This book has been a very private affair.  Even though it’s a novel there’s so much of me in it that it’s scary to allow others a peek inside.  

 Writing Chapter four entitled, March Madness (mental illness and creativity) was no exception to the difficulty of my monumental undertaking.  The chapter was my husband’s idea and it was the hardest chapter to write thus far.  Deciding what to include and not include was a battle.  Then it took more than two full months of daily labor to write the story.  The process was like giving birth to a baby; it was filled with painful love.  Now that it’s over I’m exhausted but relieved to have my little bundle out of me.

 Today also marks the new moon.  The time to plant new seeds, and watch them grow.  With my green writer’s thumb I’ve decided to plant a new blog and hopefully it will be fruitful and others will see something beautiful in it.   

It is my hope that you will feel free to share your thoughts/inspirations with me and become one of my muses as I hunker back down to begin Chapter 5 of my book, entitled Creativity. 

Until the next blog entry, I’m sending you tons of creative love.

Your soul sister, Lorlinda

The Grey Papers

A Place for Creative Inspiration



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